Wednesday, August 10, 2022

More Photos From the Workshop (7)

The Dusty Workshop is Quiet But Ideas are Brewing

Birdhouses are Shrinking But Art work is Growing

I still have a lumber pile. I make frames for old t-shirts. GH


One of my last workshop projects was a pair of cedar work tables that are now attached to opposite walls in the room over the workshop. On one wall I have my computer station and on the other is my art table, home to a growing collection of line designs and other art pieces. The wooden frame is just one of them.

So, I bin busy, how be you?!

Below are 100 photos from The Workshop, from the days when dust filled the air on a regular basis. My latest batch of 12 cedar houses (for June 4, 2022 Gathering on the Green, London ONT) came and went quickly and I am hard-pressed to find a photo of even one of them. If I find one I will share it on the next post re my last photos from the shop:

Birdhouses with a spare bedroom!

Log cabins help me use up small bits of scrap lumber and make a few dollars at the same time:

Notice the creative touch? I scattered leaves around my shop's deck! : )

Wee schoolhouses always sold out! 

The following all came with a free birdhouse!

Swap boxes turned out to be a lot of fussy work, so the price eventually went north:

Small cedar birdhouses from fence slats:

Below are several shots of a box for a good friend and fisherman:

Details re swap boxes and little free libraries:

My smallest birdhouses sells out at most birdhouse sales:

Want pollinators in your garden?

Want bats in your backyard? And not in your hair?

Back to Nick's treasure box, for his fishing journal, which is likely worth a million dollars for the 'good spots' to catch trout, etc.':

And back to little free library signage and such!

And now back to Nick's project : ) :

Gord's getting fancy:

Cedar log cabins by the dozen!

One more batch of photos will soon follow... say, late 2023!

Please click here to view an earlier edition of More Photos From the Workshop (6)

Photos GH

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