Sunday, September 15, 2019

Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

Little Library vs Big Rock. Who Wins?

Meteorite? No, I hit this rock while digging a post hole. Ouch!!

Somewhere in Whitehills (in London ONT) a Little Free Library greets those eager to trade one book for another. An easy, understandable exchange, free of charge.

But digging that post hole was a challenge. Clay soil, lots of gravel and debris were encountered first. Then came a boulder big enough to fill the hole and break the oak handle on my "dearly departed favourite spade."

Sure, everything looks fine now!

Like most libraries I produced in my wee workshop, there was a lot of work to be done before I ever packed one into the back seat of my Civic with work gloves, a five-foot-long post and a spade.

Measuring and cutting lumber; sanding and assembling by the hour; painting this piece and that and lining them up - like ducks in a row - to be attached to the main body..

 Three or four libraries filled my shop at times!

 Turn left for more details

The base is ready to be attached to a post. 

When Whitehills subdivision was developed I don't think that all of the large stones were removed for my convenience. I think that this post hole (below) was the toughest one I ever had to lay my hand to, and - after breaking the handle on my spade and falling onto my backside - I needed lots of help from the home owner, who nicely ruined his own shovel!

But we prevailed, dagnabbit.

 Usually, we don't need a two-foot-wide posthole for a 4-inch-wide post!

 Ready to receive books for trading purposes. And my back feels better now.

Yup, I can laugh about it now but that was sure one hard dig.

Photos GH

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