Monday, April 18, 2016

Upcoming Project "Workshop Stool"

"If I'm Already Sitting Down"

Whether inside or outside the shop, this old walnut chair (rescued from a nearby curb) fits me to a T. The good fit is linked to its age. It comes from a time when people were smaller - on average - in height, width and weight. (If the year was 1916 I'd be considered 'average build' at 5'5", and I'd be out for a walk, keeping my eye open for 'flea-market-style' bargains).

The other day I had the following thought:

If I sit myself down outside the workshop at the end of the day, I might as well put my feet up too.

"I will shorten it an inch or two, if required, after a few test runs"

So, another bargain, this time an old maple stool from my dad's private collection, will soon get a face lift.

Stay tuned.

Please link to Upcoming Project "The Workshop Chair"

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