Bats vs Mosquitoes
"I will have one of these on display this evening - Mountsfield PS"
I don't have to say much to interest people in putting a bathouse on their property. Some folks want one as soon as they see the above model at a birdhouse sale.... they just don't know where to put it. So, to help in this regard, I have an information sheet handy w instructions and insights from (E.g., put it in a sunny, unobstructed location; 12 - 15 feet high).
Admittedly, all of my birdhouses fill people with great excitement [insert laugh track here : ) ] but few get people talking at great length about mosquitoes and other pests like the bathouse.
"Heading for the moon"
Today and tomorrow I will have a table set up - w bathouses and 10 other types of birdhouses... and whatnots) at a sale at Mountsfield Public School in Old South London (from 4 - 7 PM). Pop by and say hello.
Link to another birdhouse made from barnboard -
Barnboard Schoolhouse
Photos by GH