Touch Ups and Repairs.
[Photo: Western cedar roof and varnish put on a nice show]
A second cedar bird feeder is finished, ready for delivery. Looks good inside and out, in my opinion.
Note to self: Make 6 - 8 feeders in 2018, different colour schemes.
Now it's time to re-assemble a swap box, then tidy up the platform and pole.
Something's missing. Where's the door latch!?
Repair work on a little library is proceeding nicely. Damaged signage is repainted and a hole in the box - made by Mr. Hairy Woodpecker - is about to get plugged.
Everything looks healthy from this angle.
Side view reveals Hairy's work. Note damage - top left corner, above.
The back wall suffered the most damage.
Once inside the box, Hairy attacked a few books!
Hairy doesn't like mysteries or thrillers?
What's going on here? I'm knot telling.
The hole will soon be plugged and sealed, inside and out, and the library will very likely survive the winter.
Once the swap box is finished and a little library is back in good shape, I'll begin The Big Sweep.
One last, very clean picture to follow.
Photos GH