Metal Roof Helps Make a Sturdy House.
[Photo: Somewhere in Wortley Village - more books, more trades]
Last Friday I carefully loaded my Civic up to the gunwales with necessary supplies: Shovels, a tarp, power drill, level, pair of heavy gloves, the last Little Free Library for 2018 (and beyond, very likely) and a couple of used books for future fair trade. And off I went to dig a hole.
The week before that day, however, the workshop was a busy place. The metal roof needing edging, as did the front, sides and back, door latches and signage had to be attached, and more boxes had to be checked before I could say 'voila' and grab my trusty spade.
Roof trim and signage to finish before installation
The two-foot deep hole appeared quickly. The five-foot pole was planted and levelled. The collar/platform was attached in a relative jiff, with help from two eager neighbourhood children.
"Can I use the drill?" said the sister. "Me too," said the younger brother.
"Sure, I'll just start things off for you."
Teamwork completed, I lifted the library onto the platform and secured it with four hidden screws. Had somebody yelled Bingo I would have said Thumbs Up.
"T'umbs Up!" I say.
Next project?
We shall see what we shall see.
Please link to Last Library 2018. Part 3.
Photos GH